Rochester Wedding Photographer Bonnie and Justin planned their wedding at Belhurst Castle from afar... very, very afar. They live in Hawaii and had to do everything via email, phone and with Bonnie's mom and sister to help. I met with Dana and Kathleen a while back and was so excited to finally meet Bonnie and…
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Briannon & Dan • Finger Lakes Wedding Photographer

Finger lakes Wedding Photographer When Briannon and Dan suggested meeting at a bar to go over their schedule, I knew they were going to be my kind of people. They met at a Halloween party. Dan didn't believe her name was actually Briannon, so she gave him a different name and accidentally gave him the…
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Alex & Mike • Geneva on the Lake Wedding Photography

Geneva on the Lake Wedding Photography Such a beautiful day for Alex and Mike's wedding at Geneva on the Lake over the weekend! I love this flurry of activity around Alex while she just laughs :) Such a fun bride! This has to be the most grand processional for a bride and her father ever.…
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Vanessa & Aleks • Finger Lakes Wedding Photographer

Finger Lakes Wedding Photographer We had an absolutely beautiful day for Vanessa and Aleks' wedding this weekend! I love the full-circle aspect of their wedding. These two took classes together at Cornell but had never spoken to each other until they were both in Qatar on Cornell-related trips! Aleks was a teacher's assistant on Cornell's…
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Finger Lakes Wedding Photographer • Jen & Chris

When I met with Jen and Chris and Jen said "I am not really worried about the details, I just want to have a great day, great beer and a fun party" I was like "are you me?" Those are my three primary interests, basically! Ha ha! We had a great time chatting about their…
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