Rochester Wedding Photographer Bonnie and Justin planned their wedding at Belhurst Castle from afar... very, very afar. They live in Hawaii and had to do everything via email, phone and with Bonnie's mom and sister to help. I met with Dana and Kathleen a while back and was so excited to finally meet Bonnie and…
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Briannon & Dan • Finger Lakes Wedding Photographer

Finger lakes Wedding Photographer When Briannon and Dan suggested meeting at a bar to go over their schedule, I knew they were going to be my kind of people. They met at a Halloween party. Dan didn't believe her name was actually Briannon, so she gave him a different name and accidentally gave him the…
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Laura & Tim • Rochester Wedding Photographers

Laura and I have been exchanging emails for about 9 months now, after she first started looking for Rochester wedding photographers (so basically, our friendship is now an infant) and I was so excited for her and Tim's wedding! They came to me through Megan and Barry, some wonderful clients from four years ago. I…
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Melissa & James • Rochester Wedding Photographers

They met at a wedding. James was the best man, Melissa was a bridesmaid. Months later, they reunited and have been pretty inseparable ever since! They're a great pair, James is a bit quiet and always has this little smile on his face, and Melissa is outgoing and funny. Her sense of humor actually reminds…
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Kasey & Mike • Rochester Wedding Photographer

Kasey and Mike's wedding had it all: sweet couple, great families, and some of my very favorite wedding friends! I met with Kasey and Mike at their coordinator's place- the lovely and talented Lisa of Lime Drop Events. They were fresh from a Halloween party from the night before. I got to see Mike's super…
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Rochester Wedding Photography • 2014 Favorites!

I'm so excited to share some of my favorite images of 2014 with you! Just in the nick of time since 2015 wedding season is around the corner. I want to thank all of my lovely brides and grooms for making it another awesome year! It is such an honor to share in and document…
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Rochester Wedding Photographer • Holly & Paul

Hooray for Holly and Paul! These two are very good friends of mine and I have watched their relationship grow from a chance meeting at a karaoke night at a bar (a girl who does not drink and a guy who does not pick up girls at bars, lol) to this beautiful marriage. Normally I…
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Rochester Wedding Photographer • Carly & Bryan

I got to meet Carly and Bryan a couple of times before their wedding, they're very sweet and definitely seemed focused on just having a fun, easygoing day. When I arrived at the Memorial Art Gallery in the morning, Carly was so calm and things were pretty much on schedule... I love a relaxed bride!…
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